Relationship to HFC: I am the resident Style Ranger. I market HFC’s amazing products and digitally brand our distillery.

How I got into loving the art of the drink: As a kid, my grandfather would always make my brother and me special mocktails as he prepared real cocktails for my older family members. We loved the extra effort and learned a lot about the art of the cocktail.

Dream car: Any Tesla model.

5 Favorite Things: Traveling, visiting with friends and family, my kitten, a nice spa day, and a good cup of tea.

Ultimate dream: To build/renovate a house with environmentally friendly materials and furnishings.

Favorite music genre, band, or performer: Love the 90s and early 2000s, as well as House, Hip-Hop, and R&B

Next vacation destination if money were no object: Mars.

All-time favorite movie: The Holiday.

Best way to spend a free day: Baking up healthy treats!

Favorite Wild Moon flavor: Rose and Chai Spice.

What is the closest thing to real magic: Love.

Favorite charity: ALS Association and anything to help with women, children, and the environment.

Are aliens real: Yes – In a galaxy far, far, away.

Number one thing society needs to change: Caring for our planet, and its limited resources.

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be: My Ancestors or Cleopatra.

Favorite vegetable: Broccoli

If you could have one superpower, what would it be; Some kind of telekinesis or element manipulation.

Favorite Quote: You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore” – Christopher Columbus

What book changed your life: Harry Potter Series

Ocean or lake: Both!